Automated Design Systems Newsletters

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Seeing is believing
Optimizing design productivity is like chasing a
moving target. Just when you think you’ve
achieved the highest throughput and drawing
quality, something comes along that will allow
you to do even more – faster and better. But so
often, users don’t know the software tools that
are available because they have never been
shown the full power of the application. It is for
this reason that we run seminars on the new
versions of software so frequently.
Over the next couple of months, we will be
running seminars on many of the latest
Autodesk and complimentary applications. This
is your opportunity to judge for yourself how
much faster and more easily you can do your
work given the latest tools and proper training.
The features and benefits you will see are too
numerous to mention for each of the products
you’ll see. So you’ll just have to trust me when
I say that if you haven’t seen the latest versions
of AutoCAD Mechanical, Mechanical Desktop,
Autodesk Inventor, Architectural Desktop,
MapGuide, AutoCAD Map, and Cyco’s
AutoManager Workflow, you’ll be impressed!
So take a half a day out of your schedule to
come out to see and believe that your design
productivity and quality can be improved!